(JaiChai) Two Messages: One for an ugly troll and the other to an online friend

3 min readJan 20, 2022


(Jaichai) Just Two Messages…

(image by Reddit)

My online friend @ipornopanda (torum.com) volunteers his time as a moderator on torum.com’s telegram channel. Recently, he was targeted by someone who was banned from the Torum platform. The troll went as far as saying stuff like, “I wish your mother gets COVID and dies…”

My friend was both hurt and outraged. But he kept his cool — something that would be very hard for me to do if I were in his position.

Anyway, here’s the messages I posted for each of them.

First Message -

To whoever is badgering my friend, that outstanding Lander @ipornopanda:

I am JaiChai. Just in case you forget, that’s spelled J-a-i-C-h-a-i.

If you think it will make you feel better, you may insult me as much as you like. But I suspect it won’t be that much fun for someone like you.

Why? Think. Think hard.

’Cause I simply don’t give a sh*t about stupid people and whatever drivel that spills out of their mouths.

Hell, if you got the cajones, you can even try to insult my mother.

She’s tougher than many of the soldiers and marines I’ve worked with and won’t give a rat’s ass either.

But, by all means, feel free to keep wasting your breath trying to get some kind of rise out of me.

I suspect you’ll get more perverse, warm feelings by pissing in the wind instead.

Ever heard of that saying “What goes around, comes around”?

It’ means that life has an eerie way of making sure that whatever you do and say, whether it’s good or bad, boomerangs back to you sooner or later — and in much stronger and larger amounts.

You may think I’m full of sh*t. That’s fine. I don’t care.

In fact, do me a favor, forget I said anything the next time you wish someone else’s mother contracts COVID-19, OK?

[End of First Message.]

Second Message -


I’m sorry that you were unfairly targeted by such an ugly, waste of space and protoplasm.

Sounds like that coward is projecting a buttload of self-hatred and denial in your direction.

Just remember that you are in no way obligated to cater to such an inbred, only-friend-is-a-crusty, smelly “Happy Sock”, low-life.

That jerk is just a typical “Blamer”.

And Blamers will do anything to avoid taking personal responsibility for their miserable lots in life.

I know it will be hard, but my advice is to “simply” forgive him, not for his sake, but for your own.

After you forgive him, it will be much easier for you to move on.

He won’t matter.

And any stray thoughts of him will pass through your mind without evoking an iota of emotion.

My father taught me this: “If something won’t matter in five years, it’s foolish to invest a lot of mental and emotional energy into it now.”

BTW, karma is a ruthless bitch, no?

That reprobate masquerading as a human being will probably continue his asshat ways until he inevitably meets a better Blamer that puts him squarely in the cross-hairs.

Anyway, hope you’re drinkin’ something potent and cozying up to some cute hottie, I mean, an attractive and intelligent woman by now. Lol!

May you and yours be well and loving life today.

In Lak’ech, JaiChai

(JaiChai 20 JAN 2022. Simultaneous multi-site submissions posted. All rights reserved.)




Written by JaiChai

I'm retired (U.S. military) and living on an island paradise with my girlfriend, teenage daughter and two dogs.

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