(JaiChai) "Signe/Signy" - Original Digital Art

Oct 7, 2022



[From my new “Viking Women Warriors” Opensea Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/vikingwomenwarriors]

Signe (sometimes spelled Signy) is a name that comes from the Old Norse words sigr (victory) and nýr (new) and thus means “new victory” or, according to some sources, “the one who is victorious”.

In Old Norse mythology, Signe was the wife of the hero Sigmund.

(Source: https://scandification.com/female-viking-names-norse-female-names/)

Enjoy the Original Art.

May you and yours be well and loving life today.

In Lak’ech, JaiChai

[See more of my NFT collections on OpenSea:
https://opensea.io/collection/proudstrongbeautifulb; https://opensea.io/collection/exoticallure, https://opensea.io/collection/orbitingoutliers, https://opensea.io/collection/isoc, https://opensea.io/collection/quaevolant and https://opensea.io/collection/ancientaliendigs]

(JaiChai 07 Oct 2022. Simultaneous multi-site submissions posted. All rights reserved.)




I'm retired (U.S. military) and living on an island paradise with my girlfriend, teenage daughter and two dogs.