(IJCH) The Dreaded “Non-Buyer’s Remorse” — A Common Affliction

4 min readSep 14, 2021

IJCH — Inside JaiChai’s Head(Meaning: My Warped, Personal Opinions and Musings)

From the Author:


I am JaiChai.

And if I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you before, I’m delighted to make your acquaintance now.

I invite you to interact with everyone, learn and have as much fun as possible!

For my returning online friends, “It’s always great to see you again!”

The Dreaded “Non-Buyer’s Remorse” — A Common Affliction

If you’ve spent any amount of time investing and trading in the crypto space, you’re probably well acquainted with a syndrome I call “Non-Buyer’s Remorse”.

It’s that feeling of profound regret for having passed up on a project, coin or token that you could’ve easily bought at a nominal price; and then watching it skyrocket to the moon.

Whether it was passing up AAPL stock at 14 USD on the NASDAQ or hesitating to pull that buy trigger on <10K USD Bitcoin, it’s very easy to suffer from “Non-Buyer’s Remorse’.

You may berate yourself; or commiserate with other sufferers and join in the chorus of “could’ve, would’ve, should’ve” lamentations.

But I urge you to resist those compulsions.

IMHO, “‘Non-Buyer’s Remorse” is a total waste of time and energy.

It fosters a mindset that keeps you stagnant and stuck in the past.

Ponder this.

The syndrome is a choice; oftentimes a passive or subconscious “choice by default” resulting from chronically choosing NOT to choose!

(Think about that mindf*ck for a minute or two. On second thought, let’s move on.)

In short, “‘Non-Buyer’s Remorse” is self-inflicted; and therefore, can be overcome with the right mindset that diminishes brooding, evokes proactivity, strengthens resolve and renews motivation.

“You look where you are thinking. You go where you are looking.”

Whether you wallow in self-pity or quickly bounce back, your mindset is always the “First Cause”.

Adopt a mindset that acknowledges reality without inducing a replay of past negative emotions.

Be aware that it’s normal to have feelings of hopelessness, anger, depression and fear of the future after a perceived attack on your self-esteem.

And It’s even worse when the foolish attacker happens to be YOU!

Remind yourself, “That” was then and “‘This” is now.

The past is the past. Period.

Now calmly, rationally and succinctly describe what happened.

Be as factual as possible. Avoid embellishments and drama.

Here’s a simple example:

[Begin description]

“For whatever reason, I chose not to buy that coin or token at the time.

And depending on my knowledge and resources in the future, I still may choose to do the same thing.

So what?

I know that every buy or sell scenario is unique.

Today’s crypto projects have many moving parts, multiple stakeholders, fluctuating circumstances — both internally and externally — and major supporters with their own agendas.

Yes, I may have missed out on some big profits.

But it was never guaranteed in the first place and could’ve easily gone horrendously wrong.

I DID NOT LOSE any of my precious investment principal — the blood that keeps my portfolio alive.”

[End of description]

Parting Shot:

Don’t be quick to self-criticize.

Give yourself some huge props for “just showing up, doing the heavy lifting, learning some painful lessons, and most of all, still managing a smile and a laugh or two…’

Successful crypto journeys are marathons, not sprints. We each get a rare glimpse into our own deeply personal paradigms; while running with thousands of others along the way.

And when, not if, you make bonehead mistakes, quickly FORGET THE PAIN, but always REMEMBER THE LESSON.

In lak’ech, JaiChai

“Really Appreciate You Stopping By. Truly hope to see you again!”

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About the Author:

Believing that school was too boring, he dropped out of High School early; only to earn an AA, BS and MBA in less than 4 years much later in life — while working full-time as a Navy/Marine Corps Medic.

In spite of a fear of heights and deep water, he performed high altitude, free-fall parachute jumps and hazardous diving ops in deep, open ocean water.

After 24 years of active duty, he retired in Asia.

Since then, he’s been a full-time, single papa and actively pursuing his varied passions (Writing, Disruptive Technology, Computer Science and Cryptocurrency — plus more hobbies too boring or bizarre for most folk).

He lives on an island paradise with his girlfriend, teenage daughter and two dogs.

(JaiChai 9–2–2021. Simultaneous multi-site submissions posted. All rights reserved.)

Originally published at https://www.publish0x.com.




I'm retired (U.S. military) and living on an island paradise with my girlfriend, teenage daughter and two dogs.